What’s with the step-counting apps???

Well to be perfectly honest, probably nothing. I don’t see the sense of something that counts how many steps we have taken in a single walk from A to B, so of all the apps being pushed on us as a great idea, this one just isn’t.  Sure, I get that fitness is still big business and those who can manage to cash in on it will do so via useless items like calorie counters, lycra, activewear and little bracelets and/or phone apps that count how many steps you take in a single day. I mean, how often do you really don that lycra outfit you spent a lot on? Or actually use that calorie counter? Chances are that a week or so after dashing out to buy it, it has found a spot in the back of the wardrobe/cupboard and remained there ever since. It happens. It’s all gung-ho and then…nothing, until you rediscover it and sell it for a tenth of the purchase price on eBay.

So why splurge on some gadget that is going to count your steps all day? Okay, so you walk to work, take the stairs to your floor/office, at lunchtime walk to that earthy cafe for a macro salad and a lite decaf, walk back to work and then walk home. You know you have done a reasonable amount of walking, right? You’re happy about that, yeah? So isn’t that all that matters? You made a conscious decision to walk. End of story. Are you really going to get all excited by a step reading? Okay, so you are. That could almost be a bit pedantic. What possible rush could you get out of knowing to the last footfall how many steps you take in a single day?

But step-counting gadgets are literally walking out the door because many of us have been hyped into thinking we need them and the retailers and the manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank. Possibly on foot but I bet they’re not! Meanwhile another person on a fitness fix has bought one of the bracelets or apps to tell them that their power walk to the shop, around the block or wherever has upped their step-count and burned X amount of calories. But you can guess that on your own, surely. As in, walk instead of transport equals good for you and it stands to reason that you would have burned up calories and a few fat cells into the bargain. Shouldn’t that be all you need to know?  You got off the couch and got yourself into motion and it did your body a whole heap of good.  Your mind too for that matter. You don’t need to know how many steps you took to achieve that.

Forget the apps, just do it!


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