Spreading the Dread

So tell me, how does allowing a protest to go ahead, while social distancing is still in place, help with containing a global virus? Don’t get me wrong, I understand the desire to protest, especially to be a voice where there is injustice, but right now  is really not the time.

But I have seen the smug grins on the faces of the lawyers who have managed to get judgements banning the various protests from happening overruled and to be honest, I just want to slap them. What is it they are not getting here?

I mean, the claims that the protests will be safe and those joining it will practice social distancing has my eyes popping in disbelief because when have you ever seen a large gathering of people keeping a metre or so distant from each other while marching en mass through the streets? Seriously, show me a crowd of protesters practising social distancing while getting all het up and spitting spleen, and I’ll show you a herd of vegans grazing at McDonalds.

Exactly. Never going to happen.

But organisers and protesters are trying to convince the rest of us that an angry mob is capable of being responsible about social distancing because the very last thing they would want to do is fast-track the COVID-19 infection rate by gathering too closely together in a large group. Well please excuse me while I fall down laughing. Actually, I’m not laughing. We really are in the grip of a pandemic right now and people really are dying from it, yet authorities are being prevented from acting against entitled self-centred idiots who appear to be of the opinion the restrictions just don’t apply to them.

And so they’re out in force, probably aiding the spread of the virus and getting all bent out of shape over anyone attempting to quell their stupidity. What is it that they just do not get about this pandemic? It is highly contagious and spreads rapidly, hence the social distancing rules. Kind of rules out protest marches, doesn’t it?

Yes it does.

So what happens when they all start getting sick? When they pick it up on the march, take it home with them and spread it to their families and friends and throughout their communities? Which they will do because these people just don’t stay home. They go out for coffee, visit people and shopping centres and wherever they go they will spread the virus they picked up while taking part in a protest that should never have been allowed to go ahead in the first place, and they will do that because they seem to be incapable of getting their empty heads around the fact that COVID-19 can infect anyone, including them.

It is unfair on the rest of us, who are trying to do all the right things no matter how difficult, that there are some out there who cannot, or more likely will not, accept that doing what they like, when they like, is not a good idea right now.  I’m not only fed up with them, I am fed up with the smug lawyers who believe it is right to challenge the courts and have right decisions overruled to support wrong ones. Like large groups of people getting together, too closely together, in the middle of a global pandemic where distancing from each other is vital in slowing the infection rate, thumbing their noses at the rest of us as they go their merry way. Stupid, stupid people, and right now, the world seems to be full of stupid people. And stupid lawyers. Talk about a total disregard for the wellbeing of others.

Just plain stupid.


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