Operating on autopilot

That seems to be what’s happening right now anyway. Like I said last week, I’m moving house and I am so focused on the mechanics of moving that just about everything else is kind of wafting around in the background, if you know what I mean. Like, I’m working on a feature about the state of a local road and I find myself sidetracked by “I need to borrow a cage of sorts to put the chooks in..”.

I know, a journalist of my experience should be able to block out the house move but it’s difficult. I think it’s because it’s been so many years since I’ve had to move house and so have got out of the mindset. But it’s first and foremost in my mind now and it’s a real effort to dismiss thoughts of “should I take the clapped-out lounge or just get rid of it?” while tackling the article on kitchen renovations and I really shouldn’t be mulling over what to do with that spare desk that’s just sitting there while I should be coming up with a topic for my next column.

But that’s what happens when you suddenly have to up stakes I guess. It just takes over your thought processes and everything else gets shoved rudely into second place. As it is, I’m already packing up everything that we are not using right now, along with anything else that I figure we can live without until after the move because if there’s one thing I really abhor it’s packing in a big hurry at the last minute. It’s just way too exhausting and fraught with drama and right now I don’t need either of those things.

It’s a good time to go through stuff though and I am culling as I go. House moves make you do things like that. But it’s kind of cleansing in a way as you end up dumping so much clutter from your life and when it’s all said and done, that is a good thing. Fortunately I’m not a hoarder so the accumulations of the last seven years are not mountainous but…they still need to be sussed out and their status determined. I seriously think I will toss the two-seater lounges though as they really have seen better days and those days were long ago. There are a couple of little file cupboards that can go too. They were a hand-me-down but I can live without them.

Sorting through my clothes is another thing I must do as I know there are items there that shouldn’t be any longer. Lucky for me I don’t have a mile of clothes so it shouldn’t take too long unless I start getting all sentimental. Seriously, I have to toughen up!

Anyway, that’s what’s going on with me right now and I’m trying my best to focus on my work, I really am! On the other hand I have to remember all the places I’ll need to change my address. I’d better start writing a list and it would probably be a good idea to arrange to have any stray mailings that turn up re-routed to my new digs. Honestly, there’s just so much to do!

Now, where was I….? Oh yes, that feature on solar rebate schemes! (…hmm, I need to find some more boxes for the packing…must organise that…sigh…)