Internet woes II

Well hi there everyone! I thought I would have been posting this just one week after my last post because I thought all my online woes were over but…I Was Wrong!

Turns out the Dongle I got works just fine, just so long as the signal entering the house via the Smart Antenna is strong enough to support an Internet connection but if it isn’t, well I’m just not going to get connected from my home office and if I knew any worse cuss words than the ones I already know I’d be screaming them from the rooftop!

On the other hand, Telstra still have our area scheduled for the  National Broadband Network (NBN) wireless tower which will apparently be in place by mid 2015 and our entire region is on Cloud 9 just thinking about it. This is what happens when you live in an area that can’t even access basic ADSL and Internet is only available through a computer in a local library and only then when it’s your turn on the computer.  You get news that means you will have 24/7 Internet at your house at last and it’s like all your Christmases, birthdays and Easter Eggs have come at once.

Seriously, the NBN can’t come soon enough for me.

And my time is almost up which means I’m going to have to end this here for now.

Oh hurry up NBN!!! (Sigh)