Finally! Hello again!

Oh joy, bliss and cartwheels! I am writing this from my home office! In my knockabout gear and slippers! With a bowl of corn chips and a leftover Easter egg! Sooo Happy! No more having to snatch an hour online at the local library or an afternoon on Daughter’s computer or any of the other ways I’ve had to resort to over the last three and a bit years just to get my Internet fix! I feel like a whole new independent woman and it’s wonderful! I really mean that!

And it’s all thanks to a smart antenna, a new computer and a dongle. If I’d known it could all have been be possible when I first moved here I would have done the upgrade then but hey, we live and learn, eh? But I know now and I cannot believe the freedom and will never take modern technology for granted ever again, I swear.

Mainly, it means I can get back to running Sandpiper Editorial again full time and even more so, it means the resurrection of The Piper, my used-to-be weekly spit, until I moved to an area with some serious mobile phone and Internet issues and I so missed writing my weekly posts. But issues are sent to challenge us I guess and once I got over the shock and the hair-pulling-out stress that followed I did find a way around it (sort of) but as thankful as I am for having found that way, nothing beats being able to just pop upstairs and get online in my own time, as opposed to getting organised and out the door and driving to the next town. Like, I would have to comb my hair and get dressed to do that! Find my car keys and things! But now I can get online looking like a train wreck and it just won’t matter because…I’ve got Internet at home!!!!!

Yes I know, I’ve expressed that in various ways over the last three paragraphs and you are probably sick to death of seeing it by now but I can’t help myself. It’s the excitement and all, you know?  I mean, I am a writer, a journalist and a freelancer. It is my drug, and I have been seriously missing my fixes but hey, I’m over it now, as far as writing about it goes anyway, so you can all breathe out with a sigh of relief now.

Meanwhile, I haven’t been wasting my time. I have updated and redesigned my logo, which will appear on my website shortly and I have so many topics to write about! Lots of things that have been bugging the heck out of me and just busting to get out there in print and being that this blog is a social commentary of sorts, it is all about saying what a lot of people appear to be thinking yet hesitate to say out loud. Well I do, because some things just need to be out there and if it gets people thinking for themselves again, then well and good. So, as of today, I will be doing it all again, armed to the teeth with favourite snacks, every week, rain, hail or shine, train wreck or no. Oh my god, but I love that kind of independence.

It’s just so good to be back!