What’s happened to resilience?

Are people getting wimpier with each generation? I’m only asking because once upon a time people had meltdowns when there was a really good reason to do so, but if the contestants on the 2020 season of The Block are anything to go by, the answer is yes, people may be getting wimpier.

I am not a reality TV fan of a general rule but I do love The Block because I am interested in renovations and I like to see what contestants do with their wrecks of spaces, because some of them have really clever ideas. Inevitably most of them understandably end up in tears at some stage because it’s a lot of pressure and a really hard, exhausting slog, but until this season, I don’t think any of them have done the tearful on Day One.

They wait at least until Day Three or Four but this season has got off to a bit of a soggy start. (In the interests of fair play though, one couple did receive some sad news just a few days in, which was very upsetting for them and that’s completely different).

Anyway, generally speaking, I’m starting to ask… why participate in something like this if you’re going to cry at the drop of a hat? Apparently it’s a common thing on reality TV though; you cry over next to nothing and that’s that. Something that may rule me out should I ever opt to participate in one (heaven forbid!) because I’m not a crier. I can cuss with the best of them but I need a biggie to do the tearful.

Meanwhile we have contestants with a brief explaining what they need to do, which is to adhere, wherever possible, to the era of the house they are renovating.  Simple right? The couple on the winning streak are doing just that, and not crying. The rest of them? Can’t decide on the wall colour for the guest bedroom? Cry. Not sure which tile to choose for the guest bathroom? Cry. Have no idea of the decor for the era they have been asked to recognise? Cry. Plumber does not turn up? Okay, definitely cry-worthy, so that particular couple get a pass on that occasion.

But they all have access to the Internet, right? So Google the era for goodness sake and take it from there.  Or talk to the people in place to help with these sort of questions. So why aren’t they doing this? Okay, so maybe they are but if that’s the case they should have it sorted, yes?

So why are they crying???

As I mentioned, there is a (so far) non-crying couple who appear to have their era down pat. They are comfortable with Google, have already had a few wins (of which they were definitely deserving) and have done all this without succumbing to tears. Which makes them pretty unique! Who knows, they might even win this season.

But look, just to be clear, I see nothing wrong with expressing emotion and/or having a cry when there is a genuine reason, so surely these guys can save the tears for the week they smash a digit with a hammer, nail-gun a foot to a floor joist, break a fingernail, or the newly-installed stunningly-detailed plaster ceiling (or whatever) has a moment and it’s not good. These are all valid reasons to cry, even loudly, and a few choice cuss words coming into play would be considered normal too under those circumstances, but going down in a flood of misery over decor choices is not. They have a brief. They have Google. They have informed sources to fall back on. Tears at every turn is just…just…there’s a word for it but I can’t think of it right now.  I’m not going to cry about it though.

I won’t even cuss.