What Extinction Rebellion Really Wants

The group, Extinction Rebellion (XR), has enjoyed a lot of international media attention lately, more than they deserve to be honest, but what is their real agenda? You might answer climate change, but if you did, you’d be wrong, and that’s the problem.

XR promote themselves as, amongst other things, an environmental pressure group, with their stated aim being to use “non-violent civil disobedience” in a concentrated effort to compel governments to take action on climate change. Established in the United Kingdom in May 2018 and launched in October of the same year, they are spouting  predictions of a complete social and ecological collapse if the World doesn’t adopt XR’s theory on social change. If that sounds a bit like fear-mongering, it’s because it is.

But the thing is, they are not really about climate change at all. Sure, they have hitched their wagon to the climate debate to take advantage of where all the media attention is focused right now, but while they proclaim to be part of the action, they are really just riding the coattails of the climate movement to up their profile. XR are about social change, but not in a healthy way, and that is not good.

In order to operate more effectively, XR are suspected of using the ideology of holocracy to operate on a global scale. Holocracy is the decentralisation of management and governance, where authority and decision-making is distributed throughout a holarchy of organised teams, as opposed to a management hierarchy, and is probably the form of global governance they would like to implement should they ever manage to tear down the existing World order, which would allow them to do it. And no, that is not as far fetched as it sounds.

But from where, exactly, did XR sprout? Well, it’s roots lay in another organisation called Rising Up! which, formed in the UK by various activists and birthed in the Occupy movement, is all about changing the World’s social structure, their aim being to become a major social movement. Sound familiar? Rising Up! are all for, and pushing for, a complete system change and advocate “non-violent civil disobedience” (now that definitely sounds familiar) as a means of bringing down the current social system, which they do not support, and creating a “sane and equitable society”. Their words, not mine. Thing is,  if they manage to do that, their probable intention is to replace it with their own agenda; an agenda that is not necessarily in our best interests. Theirs, yes. Ours? No.

Rising Up! however, appear to have lacked a high profile in the World media, which is probably why co-founders Julian Roger Hallam, Simon Bramwell and Gail Bradbrook, along with several other activists from, Rising Up! rebranded themselves as Extinction Rebellion. No wonder the doctrine sounds the same. Hallam, while probably planning his next assault on society, spent the time between 2017 and 2019 studying for a PhD in civil disobedience and researching how best to achieve social change via the same. Hallam’s beliefs centre around what he feels is vital for global survival; the disruption of global order and the tearing down of our social structures in order to save the World. Seriously, that’s his mindset. Personally, I view him as just another 15-minutes chaser who’s  latched onto a way to hopefully extend himself beyond his allotted quarter hour. He brands himself as an environmental activist but I think he is really all about starting his own revolution.

In July 2019, Extinction Rebellion formed XR Youth, which is aimed at recruiting children. This is definitely not good.

But thanks to all the media coverage, we now have XR pushing their (Hallam’s, Bramwell’s and Bradbrook’s) agenda and inevitably they have attracted the support of several vacuous celebrities (why are we not surprised?). This is a group that wholeheartedly supports causing chaos and outrage with their disruptive antics, look annoyingly smug and way to sure of themselves for the cameras, support people getting themselves arrested, and their “global warming” stance is merely an excuse to encourage panic amongst the young in a concentrated effort to coerce them into becoming members of the group and joining its revolt against government. It’s disgusting when you think about it.

And so are they.