The New Dawn is Nigh

Welcome to the end.

No, no, not the end of the World, silly (what were you thinking?) I’m talking about the end of the current astrological age, which began waaaay back in 68 BC or thereabouts, when the World entered the Age of Pisces.

Whether you believe in them or not, astrological ages are very real and occur due to a real motion of the Earth, known as the precession of the equinoxes, which move westward along the ecliptic, the path of the Sun. It’s the measurement of the Ages and pays close attention to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions. Ancient peoples had a very clear understanding of this and back in the day, when astrology was held in high regard as the “measure of God’s will”, pre-Christian peoples and the early Christians followed the movement of the planets, especially those of Jupiter and Saturn (as they were the most visible) as the planets were understood by all to represent “God’s Clock”. Which God depended on the beliefs at the time, but cycles of precession were duly noted because of the importance of their influence upon the Earth.

Okay then, a cycle of precession lasts 25,800 years and there are twelve constellations of the Zodiac. Approximately, every 2,150 years, the Sun’s position at the time of the March (venal) Equinox (0 degrees Aries) moves in front of a new Zodiac constellation. The Age of Aquarius will begin when the March Equinox moves out of the constellation of Pisces and into the constellation of Aquarius. The main herald though is the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction which will take place in the constellation of Aquarius at the time of the Summer Solstice (southern hemisphere) in December 2020 when the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction takes place at 0 degrees Aquarius; a new starting point.

“So what difference does that make?” I can hear some of you asking. Okay, if you have any knowledge of astrology you will understand that each sign has its own characteristics. These will be present, to varying degrees, in the physical and psychological makeup of people born under those signs. Activity with the planets affect us all, but in what way will depend on an individual’s chart and in what house in their chart the specific celestial event happens. “As above, so below”.

But this also applies to our planet as a whole. The Age of Pisces has been predominantly about money, power and control. It has also been about religious control and for centuries, various religious groups and leaders have put their own slant on their teachings and actions to control kings, queens, whole countries and their populations. They played politics. They became very rich. They and their followers used “Fear of God” very effectively to get what they wanted, and “acting under God’s Will” to  justify the persecution of those of different creeds, of wars, genocide and the land grabs that would inevitably follow. It is still happening today and this pretty much sums up the gist of the Age of Pisces. Sure, there have been positives, like many  of the technological advances in medicine and industry that have improved the lives of many over the generations, but again, the potential to use these advances to generate money for a small handful of individuals, harness power for same and grant them a level of control which they should not have, is again, typical of the Age we have been living in.

Which is why we should be seriously looking forward to, and celebrating, the move into the Age of Aquarius. The hippies of the 1960s and early 70s had it more or less right, even if they were six decades premature. The Aquarian Age is predicted to be a golden age of peace and tranquility. One of love, brotherhood, freedom, integrity, harmony and equality. It is also predicted to be far more environmentally friendly on a world scale, but in a more balanced and progressive way, as opposed to some of the misinformation that has been foisted on us via wealthy mouthpieces fuelled by self interest. The Nanny State, political correctness and a swathe of political minority groups may also take a dive, as balance is re-established, and common sense becomes the New Black.

But the best thing about the move into the Aquarian Age? It will be the way of the World for next 2,150 years.

Meanwhile, we are still dealing with the death-throws of the Age of Pisces and it looks to be going out with a bang. Natural disasters, a global virus, financial crashes and a couple of nations deliberately stirring the pot, which could lead to a war, a biggie that will affect us all to varying degrees, depending on where it happens, and I’m predicting Asia because China is really pushing the envelope in a number of specific directions. Hence the next six months could be really tough for the entire planet.

Fingers crossed we make it to December.


Okay, what next…?

Firstly, apologies for posting a day late. My signal dropped out yesterday which meant I couldn’t access my site, hence no blog post… Thankfully, it’s all systems back on today!

So what’s going to hit us next? I’m not usually  prone to pessimistic thoughts but right now I can help thinking about how things tend come in threes, so at this moment I’m wondering what is going to come on in and hit us in the face once COVID-19 has passed and we begin getting back on our feet again.  So far, here in Australia, we’ve had the Summer bushfire season and this year it was a lulu, and we were only just beginning to pick up the pieces and get things back to a semblance of normality when the Coronavirus hit. It hit so soon after the fires that we hadn’t really had much of a chance to catch our breath. And now people are breathing through masks and mostly staying inside again. Just like we did with all the smoke and flames and ash. So is it any wonder that I’m wondering what might come next?

1. Fires. 2. Coronavirus. 3. ???

I suppose I could speculate until the cows come home on what a third disaster could be, assuming there is a third, but I can’t completely dispel the thought that Number 3 in on the national/global horizon, and if it is…? Right now every nation on the planet is vulnerable because of the impact of COVID-19. So, what if there was a country out there, for instance, that wished to get the global upper hand? Now would be a smart time to do it because their target would be preoccupied with dealing with the pandemic, wouldn’t see the conflict coming and would probably be shocked to the back teeth by a direct threat or act of aggression and would probably be slower than usual to mobilise a defence. Their allies would be in the same boat, which would give the aggressor a head start in getting a foothold. That’s a worrying thought. So, is there a power out there looking to up their status to Superpower? If there is, it would mean a war and it would probably be a biggie. Could that be Number 3? I sincerely hope not.

Or is it a string of major natural disasters? No, I am not sitting here getting all fatalistic and conjuring up nightmare scenarios, I am just thinking about that Number 3 because I can’t dislodge the thought that it’s out there, somewhere around the corner just waiting to happen.

A major war would be really horrific. A major natural disaster or three would be really horrific too. I mean, we are still recovering from the raging inferno that dominated our entire Summer. The whole world has been shut down by the Coronavirus. Global economies have plunged and job losses worldwide are at an all-time high. This is scary stuff! Is it any wonder I’m feeling a bit shaky (and I am not one who is normally prone to thoughts of doom and gloom, I swear) about the immediate future? I’m fairly sure I’m not the only one either.

But there it is. If I saw the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse trotting down my road tomorrow I’d probably think “Yep, told ya!” and that is so not normally me. So it’s a bit disconcerting for me to be unable to shake the thought that the fires and the Coronavirus are just the start. Perhaps the Age of Pisces is going out with a bang! There is some speculation as to when this age ends and the Age of Aquarius begins (some say it has already begun, except that world events appear to indicate otherwise, while others speculate a time well into the future) but the most reliable source I have found is saying the southern hemisphere Summer Solstice, December 22/23, is the date when we enter the Age of Aquarius, a golden age of peace, spiritual growth and enlightenment (if the tales are correct) that will last for around 2500 years, the average length of an astrological age. I hope this is right, and the world survives to welcome it.

And with luck, that we will too.