So why the big issue here?

So our (Australia’s) new Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has selected his team and only one of them is a woman, resulting in several media types and women’s groups in general going into a tailspin and I have never heard so much tripe in all my life. Well, maybe I have, but right now this one is dominating because I can’t get my head around WHY this is an issue!

Last I heard a newly elected Prime Minister could choose whoever he wished to hold the various positions in his/her government, but I don’t remember anything saying that at least half of them had to be women. Like, isn’t the decision his to make? Yes, it is and if he has chosen to fill all those slots, bar one, with men then so be it. What is the problem? Sure, there are women out there qualified to hold those positions but that’s beside the point. The decision was his to make and he chose who he wanted. End of story, Now get over it!

But we were bound to hear from various women’s groups and vocal individuals who have too much funding and time on their hands and who are forever looking for axes to grind because we hear from that lot all the time, especially when they go hunting for perceived slights against women in general. In this instance they are almost howling from the rooftops!

But why is that? Just because Tony Abbott didn’t make at least 50 percent of his team female does not mean he has committed some vile slur against women in general and I believe that those who are determined to make a huge issue out of this need to remind themselves that there are far greater issues facing the world right now and perhaps they should save their spleen for venting on something worthwhile. Well they might if some of those issues somehow involve women but if not, forget it. That’s the problem with women’s groups in general; they get all het up about trivial matters (like Tony Abbott’s almost all-male team) instead of those that seriously affect the livelihood of women in general and this is where they do us girls more harm than good because they upset all the wrong people over the wrong agendas.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in equality in the workforce etc, and for women to have as many choices and opportunities as men, but I refuse to get my knickers in a knot over the number of perceived injustices at which these groups just love to finger-point because in most cases…they are pointless! This includes Tony Abbott having chosen just one woman to be on his team. Seriously! How is this detrimental to women in the general scheme of things? Well it isn’t, that’s why you might be having trouble coming up with an convincing answer for that one.

I almost feel sorry for the guy because he will probably be hounded over this, which in my opinion is grossly unfair. Like I said, there are much bigger issues ladies…!